Constitution of the 
Arkansas Association for the Assessment of Collegiate Learning

Accepted April 22, 2008

Article I. Name
This organization shall be known as the Arkansas Association for the Assessment of Collegiate Learning. Hereafter referred to as AAACL.

Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the AAACL is to:

  1. Promote excellence in student learning.
  2. Create a supportive network to provide professional development opportunities and promote the scholarship of assessment.
  3. Encourage a culture of assessment among faculty, staff and professionals.
  4. Facilitate efforts by member institutions and policy-making bodies to improve assessment strategies.

Article III. Membership

  1. Individual: Any person with responsibility or interest related to assessment at a higher education institution or agency operating in Arkansas may become an individual member of the AAACL.
  2. Institutional: Any higher education institution recognized by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board may acquire institutional membership in the AAACL.
  3. Dues: Annual dues for individual and institutional membership will be determined by the Executive Board.

Article IV. Officers

Section I. The AAACL’s Executive Board shall consist of a president, a president-elect, a secretary, a treasurer and five representatives.

  1. The president shall:
    • Preside over all organizational meetings.
    • Call and preside over the Executive Board.
    • Appoint the five representatives to the Executive Board.
    • Appoint committees as necessary.
    • Be responsible for all correspondence issued from the AAACL.
  2. The president-elect shall:
    • Plan the AAACL’s annual conference as head of the local planning committee.
    • Serve as chief executive officer in the president’s absence.
  3. The secretary shall:
    • Maintain the membership database.
    • Record minutes for the Executive Board.
    • Maintain an archive of the AAACL’s activities, including all resolutions and official correspondence.
    • Tally votes that may ensue from general business meeting held during the AAACL’s annual conference.
  4. The treasurer shall:
    • Oversee the collection of dues and disbursement of funds.
    • Maintain records relating to the AAACL’s finances and give an annual report to the Executive Board and the general
  5. The representatives shall:
    • Be appointed by the president to serve one-year terms.
    • Reflect the regional and institutional diversity of higher education in Arkansas.
  6. The Executive Board shall:
    • Determine the activities and programs of the organization.
    • Propose amendments to this constitution and forward them to the general membership.
    • All members of the Executive Board must be members of the AAACL.

Section II. Additional Appointments

  1. A webmaster shall be appointed by the president to maintain an organizational website.
  2. A newsletter editor shall be appointed by the president to produce an annual newsletter spotlighting AAACL activities. This shall be sent to AAACL members and key individuals throughout the state including chancellors, university presidents, Arkansas Department of Higher Education personnel and legislators.
  3. Arkansas Department of Higher Education Liaison
  4. The Director of Academic Affairs of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education will be invited to appoint a liaison.
  5. The liaison will channel communications between the two organizations.

Section III. Election of Officers.

  1. The president will appoint a nominating committee comprised of three AAACL members. The president must submit to the membership a slate of proposed officers (president-elect, secretary, and treasurer) no later than thirty [30] days prior to the annual meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the annual business meeting.
  2. Only registered members of AAACL attending the annual business meeting will cast ballots for the proposed officers, those selected by a simple majority will take office at the conclusion of the annual Every effort should be made to alternate the presidency between four year and two-year colleges and universities.

Article IV. Revising the Constitution
This constitution may be changed upon the recommendation of the Executive Board and a majority vote of members attending the annual meeting.

Artwork by Izzy Cooper

Copyright 2017.  All rights reserved.

AAACL is a 501(c)(3)

non-profit organization.


Dr. Christine Austin, President

Arkansas Tech University


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